Sex position #55. Spread Eagle

Sex position #55 - Spread Eagle. (face to face, lying down, man on top). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image

If your body is hungry for love and passion, do not hold back your sexual impulses, try to surprise your partner with your toying, empty the cup of his desire and you will be able to satisfy your hunger. The woman lies on her back, hand are crossed on her stomach, legs are straight, raised up and driven apart. The male partner is located on top of the female partner, between her legs, his arms are straight and exposing his palms forward, close to the woman’s shoulders, laying stress on them. The man’s legs are bent in knees and driven apart, literally, he is standing on all fours.

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Comments (9)
  1. Elly

    Comment…need a lonely woman

    1. Happy

      We are couple from India

  2. Ashley

    My favorite position of all time!

    1. Initial M

      Is it still, 1 year later?

  3. Raaj

    My girl is little slim. Does pubic bone collision hurts us in this position.

    1. Oof

      It depends on how old she is

  4. Satyan

    My wife is aged 38 years and I am 39 years old. All of a sidden she has lost interest in getting physical n sex.
    What should I do? She refuses to Eve see porn n sometimes behaves like I am a stranger…

    1. Admin (Post author)

      It seems to me that this could happen due to:
      1) She fell in love with someone else;
      2) She is offended by you and thinks that you should guess for yourself about it and do something (many girls sacredly believe that a man can and should figure it out himself);
      3) Perhaps she had some kind of internal crisis (there may be many reasons). In this state, a person loses interest in everything and goes inside himself.
      4) Health problems.
      5) You do not satisfy her in bed and she’s tired of pretending (possibly as an option).

  5. Raj

    She migt have intreset with other men

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