Sex position #439. Cowgirl on the chair

Sex position #439 - Cowgirl on the chair. (woman on top, face to face, sitting). Kamasutra - Photo, picture, image

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Who knows if that’s true, but what we do know is you both will “O” so much more quickly if you look longingly into each other’s eyes. The man sits in a chair with straight back and legs slightly spread apart. The woman sits on his penis atop with her face to her lover. She completely bends her legs so that her feet are on the man’s hips. With one hand, she grabs the back of a chair, the other is placed on her buttocks. The man takes her by the waist and helps to move up and down.

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  1. Bernice

    Can I get some information of all kind of positions

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